Sunday, September 04, 2005

"La Palma Tsunami" Will Hit America, Bush Is Doing Nothing!

"La Palma Tsunami" Will Hit America, Bush Is Doing Nothing!

Did you ever find yourself wondering whether something is, or is not, satire?

I find it difficult to believe that someone thinks Bush should be doing something about the Canary Islands' potential to devastate the East Coast. But then again, *I* still find it difficult to believe that people are blaming the Feds for the response (in New Orleans--they seem to be doing alright elsewhere) to the Hurricane and flooding. Perhaps, when people are given enough warning that a potential exists for a devastating event, the people themselves should be held responsible for not planning appropriately. If you lived in New Orleans, you have heard for years about the potential for a Hurricane filling the bowl. If you live in California, you know about the San Andreas Fault. You have made decisions to remain--and those decisions have consequences.

Apparently, Americans continue to prefer to blame others, for individually made bad decisions.

Take a day off from class...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of this, what is it I hear about Pat Robertson saying he had a revelation that a Tsunami will hit America this year?

5/18/2006 09:47:00 AM  

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