Thursday, March 30, 2006

Americans at "tipping point" about energy-poll - Yahoo! News

Americans at "tipping point" about energy-poll - Yahoo! News

The phrase "tipping point" has been around for a while, but was certainly made more popular with the release of the book by the same name. I wonder if this author was intending a reference to the book.

I am intrigued that this issue of dependence on foreign oil has reached this point. What does this mean? The article points out that the "political complexion of that issue is about to change considerably..." If the complexion changes significantly (relating to dependence), are we now going to see a shift in opinions? which ideas will shift? Here's a few that could prove interesting:

1. More interest in hybrid vehicles. This doesn't actually shift our dependence, but it does lessen the amount consumed. Perhaps the "american mind" will see this as the same thing.

2. Exploring alternative energy sources, such as wind. This seemed to be gaining traction, and then the animal right's groups got involved. Yup--being green was a good idea, until the windmills started taking out the birds!

3. Allow for more drilling in Alaska. Perhaps the easiest solution--and it doesn't have to result in the destruction of the desolate wilderness. This is one of those issues that is so easily couched in the faulty "either/or" logic--"either" we protect the wilderness and don't drill, "or" we destroy nature. Technology and social conscience have come a long way since the early days of drilling. I have faith that "win-win" solutions truly are achievable.

4. Elect new leaders. This of course won't actually DO anything--and we will complain about these folks soon enough, but it makes "most Americans" feel good about themselves.

So--We have reached a tipping point. The question is, which direction we will tip. Thoughts, anyone?


Blogger qwerty182764 said...

To replace oil, you're going to need energy from another source - tens of thousands of gigawatts worth of power from another source. I doubt this could be easily acheived with wind farms or photovoltaic panels.

Burning coal to produce electricity to produce a chemical fuel would be ridiculously inefficient. I doubt we could mine coal as fast as we now pump oil.

There's always nuclear. We could use nuclear energy to charge batteries, run coal gassification, or use hydrogen if we can. (I'm a nuclear nut, btw).

4/04/2006 07:11:00 AM  

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