Saturday, April 08, 2006

An online Word Processor

First, I wrote about the online Spreadsheet... and now the word processor... Thanks for those of you that commented the first time.

Now, my big question: What other applications would you want to see go "online?" A powerpoint-like app? ("create and show your presentations wherever you have internet!")

Let me know what YOU would want to see? (and please, tell me what app, and whether you would store the files for it online, and if you can, what features you think it MUST have to be worthwhile)

macteens Magazine - Photography for Beginners, Part One

macteens Magazine - Photography for Beginners, Part One

This is a good treatment as an introduction for photography--even if you aren't a teen. And they even push mac stuff. (Or is Dvorak right, and Apple will really be making machines, and ONLY selling Windows in a few years?)

Floating Ice May Explain How Jesus Walked on Water, Researchers Say

Floating Ice May Explain How Jesus Walked on Water, Researchers Say

This is perhaps one of the more interesting explanations of a miracle. for years many of us have joked while walking across a frozen lake that we were walking on water.

Let's, for a second, assume that is correct. There are still a couple questions: How was he able to walk "to" the boat? Was it an ice "path?" Did the wind blow him there? Didn't the fishermen see this strange thing called ice?

And of course, how was Peter able to walk for a little while, and then not? Did he not notice the ice?

The prof

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Half Staff Flags

For those that haven't noticed, the flags, at least around government buildings, have been flying at half-staff (half-mast for you Navy types) in memory on SecDef Casper Weinberger on the event of his death.

Many of you remember his as SecDef, and his significant increases in defense spending under President Reagan, but most will not remember the job that earned him the nickname "Cap the Knife."

The floor is now open for guesses/answers.

The Prof(f)